Given that this is summertime and the boys are often wearing shorts and T-shirts, there have been a fair number of scraped knees, elbows and bruises that I have had to tend to lately. Amazingly every time this happens I would usually apply a rub of the affected area combined with a kiss on the right spot then add a hug for good measure and suddenly all was better. It would appear that as parents we posses a unique magic elixir that enables us to heal all that ails our children with nothing more than a properly placed peck.
This power does unfortunately have its limits as I regrettably found out some time ago when my husband once told me while going to bed that he had a headache. To help out I proceeded to give him a kiss, but he quickly told me that she still had the headache. That being said, after applying this approach enough times with my kids I began to wonder what it would be like if this approach could be applied to ALL individuals regardless of age.
Imagine going to your local hospital E.R. after injuring yourself in some manner to be tended to. When you arrive it seems that all of the traditional medicines that you’re used to are gone and all that you see are rampant applications of nothing more than good old T.L.C. Sprains, strains, breaks and abrasions are all cured by various staff members who tell you it’s all right, coddle you for a bit, kiss the affected area and send you on your way with a lollipop. Suddenly as if by miracle you are cured and are ready to take on what lies ahead.
One of the clear advantages to this would be the immense savings in health care costs. Instead of expensive orthopaedic devices eating away at budgets, hospitals would only need to keep a healthy supply of Chapstick on hand. Instead of waiting hours, you could likely be out in minutes with your tears still embedded on your cheek. However it IS still possible that we could see long line-ups, with the delays now having more to do with treatment popularity as opposed to any actual staff shortages.
I suppose we would also see a renewed interest in young people wanting to become health care practitioners. All the best medical schools would have to adapt their curriculum and then deal with the onslaught of applicants. It would be anyone’s guess though as to what a school would set as its new minimum requirements for consideration.
However as I return to the real world I know that after a certain age the healing powers of a parents TLC diminish. In the meantime I’m going to relish the Supermommy status I maintain with my boys.
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